How Satisfied are You With Life?
How Satisfied are You With Life?

Summer is the perfect time for vacations, sunbathing. outdoor sports, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying outdoor barbeques.

The summer season may also be a good time to evaluate the degree of satisfaction, we have with our lives. Kirk, who changed jobs four times in the past four years, is still dissatisfied with his work; he also lacks a close friendship, and has little time for leisure.

Life satisfaction is linked to our satisfaction in all life segments of our lives: work, relationships, personality, leisure, and financial.

Are you satisfied with life?
Check statements that best describe

Usually happy
Anticipate a bright future
Rarely upset over trivial disappointments
Rarely bored?
Usually agree with partner on important issues/Communicate well partner about most things
Enjoy companionship with warm, respectful friends
Happily involved in work
Enjoy getting out of bed on work days
Can attain desired career goals by working with current employer
Participate in enjoyable leisure activities
Have enough time and money for leisure
Accept constructive criticism well
Proud of accomplishments
Have a sense of inner peace
Derive meaning and purpose in life
Feel healthy, energetic
Maintain good exercise, nutrition, relaxation and sleep habits
Earn sufficient income to meet needs
Have few financial concerns

Scoring: One point for each statement you checked. The more statements you checked, the more satisfied you seem to be with life. You appear to be well-adjusted, confident, and satisfied with your job, relationships, and lifestyle. You may have a sense purpose and are healthy. If you checked seven or fewer statements you may be unhappy with the way things are going in your life.

Tips for enhancing lifestyle

- Work. Manage your own career. See yourself as someone who has inner strength and choices. Do some self and job analyses. Is your job satisfying your needs? If not, why? Can your needs be satisfied by staying in your job? List other personal qualities (purpose, interests, skills) you want expressed in your ideal job.

Explore options that are compatible with these. Investigate such options as redesigning your current job, taking another position in your company, changing organizations, or shifting occupational fields. Consider self-employment, a sabbatical, or continuing education.

- Relationships and Intimacy.  Develop warm, supportive relationships . Respect others and value their opinions. Develop a close, supportive and caring relationship with at least one other person. Enjoy his or her company without demands or expectations.

Enhance your communication skills. Practice listening. Clarify by asking questions when you're not clear about something. Reflect content by summarizing what your hear the other person say. Reflect feelings by letting her know you hear the emotional content of his or her words.

- Spiritual. Nourish your soul. Seek solitude and quiet times. Meditate, pray, enjoy nature, listen to music, or write in a journal. Listen to your intuition.

Clarify your purpose. Look for themes that emerge from the following: your strengths and accomplishments, contributions for which you want to be remembered, how you would spend time if you were a billionaire, activities that absorbed you as a child, and a recurring dream. Identify and pursue activities that are in harmony with your purpose.

- Personality. Enhance confidence and optimism. Love and accept yourself. Acknowledge your accomplishments. Prepare a list of positive achievements and personality characteristics. Post this where you can read it daily. Depersonalize failure. View setbacks as learning experiences that will help achieve goals.

Don't compare yourself to others, or care about what others think. Practice positive self-talk. Look for and expect good things to happen.

- Leisure. Make time for enjoyable activities. Relax. Don't schedule every minute of your day. Listen to music, or read a book while commuting. Daydream. Play. Take weekends off.

- Economic. Minimize financial concerns. Make and stick to a budget. Adopt a cash-only policy. Reduce living standards. Find new income sources such as part-time work, shared accommodation, or updating skills to increase income.

 - Balance. Live a harmonious life. Become involved in a variety of activities. If you create an identity in only one life component such as work, you'll feel empty and helpless if you lose or are dissatisfied with your job. You'll also fear risking. But if you're involved in varied activities, your life will be more complete. You may even enjoy a job that was previously dissatisfying.

You have the power to change. To enrich your life, enhance at least one segment of your life weekly!

Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is an opportunity, take it
Life is an adventure, dare it!

Questers, described in the award-winning, Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life, by Dr. Carole Kanchier, show how to create your desired lifestyle.